解读了感性的我 如果你不介意长篇大论 如果你关心这篇土地 欢迎有空浏览 疾风知劲草 来剖析我理性的脑袋



This story is extremely sad. A lady, with her husband, was planning a weekend trip across the Mexican border for a shopping spree. At the last minute their baby sitter canceled, so they had to bring along their two-year-old son with them. They had been across the border for about an hour when the baby got free and ran around the corner. The mother went chasing but the boy had disappeared. The mother found a police officer that told her to go to the gate and wait. Not really understanding the instructions, she did as she was told. About 45 minutes later, a man approached the border carrying the boy. The mother ran to him, grateful that he had been found. When the man realized it was the boy's mother, he dropped the boy and ran. The police were waiting and got him. The boy was dead. In the (less than) 45 minutes he was missing, he was cut open and all of his insides removed and his body cavity stuffed with COCAINE. The man was going to carry him across the border as if he were asleep. A two-year-old boy, dead, is carded as if he were a piece of trash for somebody's cocaine. If this story can get out and change one person's mind about what drugs mean to them, we are helping. The saddest thing about the whole situation is that those persons who suffer are innocent and people we love.. God Bless you in this united effort to spread the word. You just might save a life! May God bless you and keep you in his loving embrace.

2 条评论:

(^_^) 说...

it's really disheartening!!!

匿名 说...
